Free Car Cartoon - Horse Special offer

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Free Car Cartoon - Horse Special offer
Keywords: Cars cartoons for free, free cartoon images autos, automotive cartoons, comic strip for free, cars jokes, auto cartoon, automotive cartoons, cars the cartoon, funny cartoon cars, free cars cartoon, free cars picture, car cartoon pics, car joke, funny pictures of cars
One cab driver said to another:
"Why have you got one side of your cab painted red and the other side painted blue?"
"Well, when I get in an accident, the police always believe my version of what happened, because all the witnesses contradict
each other."
Keywords: Cars cartoons for free, free cartoon images autos, automotive cartoons, comic strip for free, cars jokes, auto cartoon, automotive cartoons, cars the cartoon, funny cartoon cars, free cars cartoon, free cars picture, car cartoon pics, car joke, funny pictures of cars
Jokes about cars
One cab driver said to another:
"Why have you got one side of your cab painted red and the other side painted blue?"
"Well, when I get in an accident, the police always believe my version of what happened, because all the witnesses contradict
each other."
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Wolfi Korn (Cartoonist)
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