Free Cartoon Sport - Heavy Athletics

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Free Cartoon Sport - Heavy Athletics
Keywords: Sports cartoons download, heavy athletics picture for free, free heavy athletics caricature, download free heavy athletics cartoon, sports cartoon free, sport cartoon, sport cartoons, funny cartoon images pictures, funny cartoon pics images, funny cartoons, free cartoons, sport funny pictures
Fred the Full-back went to his optician and asked for a new pair of spectacles. 'I broke my last pair in an accident,' he said.
'What sort of an accident?' asked the optician. 'You don't wear your glasses when you're playing, surely?'
'No,' said Fred. 'You see, I was kissing my girlfriend and . . .'
'How could you break your glasses kissing your girlfriend ?' said the optician.
'Well,' said Fred. 'She crossed her legs.'
Keywords: Sports cartoons download, heavy athletics picture for free, free heavy athletics caricature, download free heavy athletics cartoon, sports cartoon free, sport cartoon, sport cartoons, funny cartoon images pictures, funny cartoon pics images, funny cartoons, free cartoons, sport funny pictures
Jokes about Sport
Fred the Full-back went to his optician and asked for a new pair of spectacles. 'I broke my last pair in an accident,' he said.
'What sort of an accident?' asked the optician. 'You don't wear your glasses when you're playing, surely?'
'No,' said Fred. 'You see, I was kissing my girlfriend and . . .'
'How could you break your glasses kissing your girlfriend ?' said the optician.
'Well,' said Fred. 'She crossed her legs.'
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Wolfi Korn (Cartoonist, Designer)
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