Lion and knight cartoon picture free

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Lion and knight cartoon picture free
Keywords: Funny zoo cartoons for free, free animals cartoon images, animals cartoon pictures download and print for free, funny animals cartoons for websites, lion picture for free, free knight caricature, download free lion cartoon, blogs, social networks.
One lion was enjoying the sun at the beach in America. A lady
came and asked him, “Are you relaxing?” Lion answered, No, I am Banta Lion.” Another guy came and asked him the same question. Lion answered, “No! No! Me Banta Lion!” A third one came and asked him the same question again. Lion was totally annoyed and decided to shift his place. While walking he saw another lion
soaking in the sun. He went up to him and asked, “Are you relaxing?” The other lion was a lot more educated and answered, “Yes, I am relaxing.” The lion slapped him on the face and said, “Stupid, idiot. Everyone is looking for you and you are sitting over here!”
Keywords: Funny zoo cartoons for free, free animals cartoon images, animals cartoon pictures download and print for free, funny animals cartoons for websites, lion picture for free, free knight caricature, download free lion cartoon, blogs, social networks.
Jokes about Animals
One lion was enjoying the sun at the beach in America. A lady
came and asked him, “Are you relaxing?” Lion answered, No, I am Banta Lion.” Another guy came and asked him the same question. Lion answered, “No! No! Me Banta Lion!” A third one came and asked him the same question again. Lion was totally annoyed and decided to shift his place. While walking he saw another lion
soaking in the sun. He went up to him and asked, “Are you relaxing?” The other lion was a lot more educated and answered, “Yes, I am relaxing.” The lion slapped him on the face and said, “Stupid, idiot. Everyone is looking for you and you are sitting over here!”
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Wolfi Korn (Cartoon and Comic Artist)
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