Free auto cartoon - Fuel consumption

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Free auto cartoon - Fuel consumption
Keywords: Cars cartoons for free, free cartoon images autos, funny cartoon cars, free cars cartoon, free cars picture, automotive cartoons, comic strip for free, cars jokes, auto cartoon, automotive cartoons, cars the cartoon, car cartoon pics, car joke, funny pictures of cars
An off-duty police officer, familiar with radar guns, drove through a school zone within the legal speed limit when the flash of a camera went off, taking a picture of his license plate. The officer, thinking the radar was in error, drove by again; even more slowly. Another flash. He did it again for a third time, at an even slower speed. Same result. "This guy must have screwed up the settings," the off-duty officer thought. A few weeks later, when he received the violations in the mail, he discovered three traffic tickets: Each for not wearing a seat belt!
Keywords: Cars cartoons for free, free cartoon images autos, funny cartoon cars, free cars cartoon, free cars picture, automotive cartoons, comic strip for free, cars jokes, auto cartoon, automotive cartoons, cars the cartoon, car cartoon pics, car joke, funny pictures of cars
Jokes about cars
An off-duty police officer, familiar with radar guns, drove through a school zone within the legal speed limit when the flash of a camera went off, taking a picture of his license plate. The officer, thinking the radar was in error, drove by again; even more slowly. Another flash. He did it again for a third time, at an even slower speed. Same result. "This guy must have screwed up the settings," the off-duty officer thought. A few weeks later, when he received the violations in the mail, he discovered three traffic tickets: Each for not wearing a seat belt!
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Wolfi Korn (Cartoonist)
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