Island cartoon free

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Island cartoon free
Keywords: Funny cartoons for office, funny cartoon island, free island cartoon, free island picture, funny cartoon pictures, short funny jokes for office daily grind, free office cartoons download online, funny pics for work, jokes for emails and newsletter, humorous jokes for work days, good jokes
Three guys are alone on a desert island: an engineer, a biologist
and an economist. They are starving and don't have a thing to eat, but somehow they find a can of beans on the shore.
The engineer says: "Let's hit the can with a rock until it opens."
The biologist has another idea: "No. We should wait for a while. Erosion will do the job."
Finally, the economist says: "Let's assume that we have a can opener".
Keywords: Funny cartoons for office, funny cartoon island, free island cartoon, free island picture, funny cartoon pictures, short funny jokes for office daily grind, free office cartoons download online, funny pics for work, jokes for emails and newsletter, humorous jokes for work days, good jokes
Jokes for daily routine in office
Three guys are alone on a desert island: an engineer, a biologist
and an economist. They are starving and don't have a thing to eat, but somehow they find a can of beans on the shore.
The engineer says: "Let's hit the can with a rock until it opens."
The biologist has another idea: "No. We should wait for a while. Erosion will do the job."
Finally, the economist says: "Let's assume that we have a can opener".
If you have funny appropriate jokes, please send there to us via field "Comments" below. After check by admin, your jokes will/can be published on this page.
Wolfi Korn (Cartoonist, Designer)
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